I know change. From seismic personal transformations (like getting sober and recovering from burnout) to the never-ending transitions of an expat life, I’ve experienced plenty.
I know that those places between who you are and who you’ll become are fertile ground for deep personal growth. I also know that change — even the good kind — can often be hard, lonely, and sometimes even a little scary.
(You don’t have to go it alone.)
Why am I a coach?
I believe in the power of coaching because it’s helped me when I’ve asked “is this it?” and “now what?” — as a 22-year-old terrified 1st year law student who didn’t know if law school was really the right place to be, as a former advertising executive who burned out at the “top” of her game, and as a new trailing spouse settling into my new identity.
I believe in the power of space holding and good questions to help us reconnect to the courageous, whole person inside who does have the answer(s). I coach because I know that that kind of support can help us find the way back to ourselves.
I want other women to experience what I was given when I needed it most.
Emily Cornell is a storyteller, strategist, and coach. She helps Millennial and Gen X women tap into their courage, creativity, and strength during transitions (external change) and transformations (internal change).
Blending a co-creative and intuitive approach along with skills and knowledge gained from more than 15 years working in and for advertising/marketing agencies, startups, and nonprofits, Emily stays deeply rooted in strategic thinking. She holds a B.A. in English from the University of Colorado at Boulder, earned a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) certification through Int’l Coach Academy, has trained in trauma-informed space holding, and is a Designing Your Life Certified Coach. She is credentialed as an International Coaching Federation Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and is committed to upholding the highest standards of the profession.
Emily has American Midwest roots and leads a globally-mobile life as an American Foreign Service spouse. She currently lives in New Delhi with her husband and young son.
Her virtual practice supports her clients wherever they are in the world from wherever she is.
Want to hear a story?
Here are a few more of mine.
Available Worldwide Episode 62 (2023)
Interview about my work as a coach and its intersection with my life as a U.S. Foreign Service spouse.
Make Life Less Difficult Podcast: “Stories Saved Me. (Episode 54)” and “Authenticity, Transitions, and Recovery (Episode 86)” (2022)
Interviews with fellow coach and Foreign Service spouse Lisa Hope Tilstra.
The Unruffled Podcast: Episode 109 on Soundcloud. (2019)
An interview with Tammi Salas and Sondra Primeaux on creativity, recovery, and the intersection of the two.