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Work with me.

I support Millennial and Gen X women going through change. I help you tap into your courage, creativity, and strength so you can more easily move through external transitions and internal transformations.

a 1:1 Container for going deep

Private coaching offers you space and time in a fully-supported journey tailored just for you and your specific challenges. You’ll experience empathy and understanding while gaining practical strategies, tools, and techniques to manage whatever you’re facing.

It’s ideal for you if:

You’re facing or already going through a life transition (career change, new motherhood, empty nesting, moving cities or countries, etc.) OR you’re wondering “where did I go?” and “where do I go from here?” and you’re ready for some serious transformation.

Plus, you’re ready to dig in an do the work knowing that change changes you.

Learn and grow in community with others

In intimate cohorts, you’ll work toward your own goals while sharing a journey with other like-minded and like-hearted women. Careful vetting of participants fosters a fertile space for rich connections to grow.

Stay tuned for upcoming programs!

Bite-Sized virtual and in-person experiences

My workshops are carefully-curated spaces for learning, reflection or practice, and time for connection. They’re available on-demand for groups and organizations. I also periodically offer them to a broader community via Zoom. (Be sure to sign up for my newsletter below to stay updated!)

Previous workshops have included:
Dream. Draft. Do. A space to bring ideas to life
Navigating the New A transition workshop for U.S. Foreign Service spouses
Routine Into Ritual Creating small shifts for big change
Affirmations, Mantras, Oh My! Powerful self-talk to support growth