Embracing Uncertainty: Cultivate Inner Strength through Election Anxiety
I’m an American woman. Even though I live overseas, my life is very much rooted in the United States.
With so much riding on the elections this week, I’ve been feeling ALL the feelings: fear, anxiety, tiny shreds of hope, overwhelm, and even apathy when it all just gets to be too much.
I know I’m not alone in this. There is a lot to be overwhelmed by right now, and it’s natural to feel a whirlwind of emotions as Election Day draws near. These feelings are valid and absolutely deserve acknowledgement. I’ve cried. I’ve raged. I’ve numbed out on Netflix. But in my best moments, I’ve also seen a chance to harness creativity, courage, and strength. Those are the things that will get me through these turbulent times.
Here are some actionable steps I’m taking to fortify my spirit in the days (and weeks?) ahead. I hope they might help you too.
#1 Focus On What You Can Control
Limit News Consumption: Set boundaries for your news intake. Perhaps a daily news check-in instead of endless scrolling might help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Write Out Your Circle of Control: The circle of control is a concept that helps you visualize the things in your life you have the power to change or influence and those you don’t. Start with two circles, one smaller and one larger around it. Inside the smaller one, write down all the things you can actually control (hint: the circle is small for a reason). And in the larger one, write down the things you can influence but not control. And outside those two circles? That’s all the stuff you have absolutely no control over. The stuff to let go of. This exercise can be a powerful way to think about how to allocate your time and energy as you worry.
#2 Connect with Your Community
Check-ins with Friends and Family: This one takes some discernment during an election week. There are folks you can connect with no matter which way you’ll both vote and others you may need to take a short pause on for the time being. Make connections with the ones who fill up your tank. And remember — you may both need to voice your feelings but you may also need a break to chat about anything other than the election. Don’t forget to honor where you’re at both alone and in community.
#3 Channel Your Feelings Into Creativity
Express Yourself: Whether it’s journaling, playing with some Play-doh, or grabbing some paints, creative outlets can transform chaotic emotions into something beautiful.
Engage with Art: Not quite feeling like making? Immerse yourself in books, music, or movies that lift your spirits and provide an escape. This week would be an excellent time to visit your favorite art museum and spend time in your favorite gallery.
#4 Practice Self-Care Unapologetically
Move Your Body: Don’t forget to incorporate movement into your routine this week, whether it’s yoga, walking or dancing.
Fuel Yourself Well and Get Good Rest: Make a conscious effort to eat meals that nourish your body and soul while truly listening to what you need. And, prioritize rest when it’s needed.
Treat Yourself: Small acts of kindness to yourself can go a long way. Whether it’s taking a walk in the sunshine over the lunch hour or treating yourself to a fancy coffee, do something nice.
#5 Embrace Hope
Seek Stories of Resilience: Look for narratives of compassion and resilience both near and far.
Find Ways to Contribute: Volunteer, share resources, or simply spread some positive vibes within your circles.
I have no idea what Election Day will hold although I do have my hopes. And that’s what I’m holding onto. I hope these tips will help you do the same.