Embracing Midsummer: Reflections + Rituals for the Season

The summer solstice has always enchanted me. 

Perhaps it's the echo of my partially Nordic roots and deep cellular memories of bonfires raging into the never-ending twilight. Or maybe it's simply the sun’s angle this time of year that stirs something within me.

This midpoint in the year – when the lingering daylight defies night’s onset – feels coupled with a profound understanding that its beauty is fleeting.

As the solstice approaches, I often find myself in a mood that Spotify would probably be called “Dream Coastal Cowgirl Campfire.” I both relish and rebel against the feeling that I have infinite time and an urgent scarcity of it.

This year’s midsummer finds me betwixt and between. 

I’ve just wrapped up the slowest vacation I’ve ever taken. My family and I escaped to an island in the Baltic Sea where the summer sun barely set. My days began at 4 a.m. and lingered until near midnight. There was plenty of time for rest and reflection while wistful ballads played on repeat in my headphones. I tried again (and failed again) to capture the elusive light. And I felt the familiar push and pull of the season.

Midsummer, this year, has taken on a different tint for me. It marks not only the midpoint of the year but also the midpoint of my life, a realization that struck me with sudden intensity one lazy morning last week.

At 41, I'm no longer young but not yet old. There's loads of daylight left and there's also a fair deal behind me. I'm entirely content with exactly where I am, but much more feels left undone. And I am currently living in the bittersweetness of this.

While the thoughts of this “midsummer” could terrify me, I’m more excited about being firmly in a place where I’ve gotten a little wisdom and still have the energy to do something with it. I’d be even more terrified if I hadn’t stayed close to some remarkable woman a few years ahead of me in this change.

There's something electric in the air around me. I’m stepping into a phase of life that feels like an arrival. The very idea of change tickles my curious bone: What will help me over this threshold? What do I have, and what do I still need to get/learn/shed to make it through?

In the midsummer spirit, I invite you to join me in resting, reflecting, and resetting as we reach the year's midpoint.  Here are some ideas to help you get started: 

1. Rest (or don’t): Take a deep breath and consider if you have been giving yourself the space to simply be present or if you have been caught in a cycle of perpetual hustle. Embrace restorative practices that resonate with you, like catching up with friends, reading a good book, or taking a long walk. Then again, action may feel more right, so make hay while the sun shines. The point is to check in and honor what’s best for you.

2. Write a letter to your next solstice self: Reflect on your current situation and consider what advice and encouragement you want to pass onto your future self. Visualize where you hope to be by December 21, and contemplate what you need to stop, start, or continue doing to get there.

3. Burn, Baby, burn: Embrace the tradition of midsummer bonfires by creating a literal or metaphorical fire ritual. Use this ritual to release what no longer serves you and welcome new growth as you journey through the year's second half. Let the real or imagined fire symbolize your willingness to let go of the past and embrace positive change. By releasing what holds you back, you can make space for new opportunities and experiences in the months ahead.

Midsummer presents an opportunity to pause, take stock, and realign ourselves as we embrace the year’s midpoint transition.  I hope this season brings warmth, wisdom, and wonder into your life – wherever and however you are right now.

Feeling like you could use a little support as you navigate a midpoint transition of your own? Learn more about my coaching approach.